Monday, March 19, 2012

Bank Debit Card PIN

Your bank debit card is one of the cards people fail to realize can be used by anyone.
Just think back and you will did not have to use your pin (Personal Identification Number) number when you went out to eat. They just swiped it through and that was all it took. Nor did they ask for any ID. It's true that at some restaurants you may have been asked to sign your name but anyone can see right there on the card what name to sign. Too many people depend on the pin number to keep them safe. Did you sign the back of your card with your name? I was told to always put in bold letters "Ask for ID". That will make your card safer to use at the places that do not ask for the pin. I suggest you also turn your card over to show the back when you do pay. This way the clerk will see the
request or do like I do and supply the ID before they ask. If you happen to lose your debit card report it ASAP. Whoever finds it could have a feast at some high priced restaurant and cause you some serious financial damage. Just because you have a PIN doesn't mean it's safe.

1 comment:

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